

Progress is used to display the progress status for a task that takes a long time or consists of several steps.



Editable Example

Progress with Stripe#

You can add hasStripe prop to any progressbar to apply a stripe via a CSS gradient over the progress bar’s background color.

Editable Example

Progress sizes#

There are two ways you can increase the height of the progressbar:

  • You can add size prop to increase the height of the progressbar.
  • You can also use the height prop to manually set a height.
Editable Example

Progress color#

You can add color prop to any progressbar to apply any color that exists in the theme.

Editable Example

Animated Progress#

The striped gradient can also be animated. Just add isAnimated and hasStripe prop to the progressbar to animate the stripes right to left via CSS3 animations.

Editable Example


  • Progress has a role set to progressbar to denote that it's a progress.
  • Progress has aria-valuenow set to the percentage completion value passed to the component, to ensure the progress percent is visible to screen readers.

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Copyright © 2020 Segun Adebayo